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Digital Album Cover Illustration 

Click below to download this workshop session presented by Creative Illustrator, Sophie Fellows.

Sophie is a multidisciplinary graduate artist from Bolton University. She has a fascination with how you can use materials in versatile ways. Influenced by natural disasters, politics and being a female in today’s society; this fuels the ideas and thought processes behind her practical work.

This workshop series took place on 

29th, 5th & 12th March 2021 

Be sure to share your progress on our social media!

Sophie Fellows


Drawing Album Covers

Illustrator Sophie Fellows focuses on using observational drawing to transform an object into artwork worthy of an album cover! Perfect for anyone wanting to improve their drawing skills.


Digital Album Illustration

Illustrator Sophie Fellows will show you how to integrate digital collage using Canva and drawing techniques to create memorable and eye-catching images within the small canvas of the album cover.

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